“A Touching Story of Love, Family, and the Wonderful Life Jimmy Stewart Cultivated For His Offspring: Jimmy Stewart’s Legacy Lives On”

William H. Maitland Jimmy Stewart, whose real name was Stewart, was the cinematic embodiment of the stereotypical American everyman. Stewart had a modest background in a little…

It’s called “Unbelievable Transformation: The Surprising Secret Life of ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Hollywood’s Cowboy Sidekick Extraordinaire!”

George Francis “Gabby” Hayes was an American actor who was known for playing cowboy sidekicks in Western movies. His life was interesting and not like most Western…

“Johan’s Incredible Ark”: Craftsman Dedicates 20 Years to Construct Enormous Ark with Stunning Interior

Meet Johan Huiber, a guy with a big dream! Even if you’re not into the whole Christian thing, you can still appreciate Johan’s dedication. He’s a Dutch…

Sexiest Women in Movie History

Marilyn Monroe You simply can not begin a list of the sexiest film stars without putting Marilyn at the top. Even if you personally do not think…