Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, a celebrated Hollywood couple, have been together for over four decades since they began dating on Valentine’s Day in 1983. This long-term partnership is marked by their deep bond and shared family life. They reside in Los Angeles, near Goldie’s daughter, Kate Hudson. Goldie and Kurt have blended their families seamlessly, with Kurt being a father figure to Goldie’s children, Oliver and Kate, and the couple sharing a son, Wyatt Russell, who, like his siblings, pursued a career in entertainment.
Despite their long and committed relationship, Goldie and Kurt have chosen not to marry. Goldie explained in a 2015 interview on the UK chat show “Loose Women” that she values her independence and feels that not being married allows her the freedom to make decisions. She believes that if they had married, they might have divorced long ago. Their choice to stay together without marriage is a mutual and content decision for both.
An interesting tidbit about their relationship is their first date, which was at the Playboy Club where they learned to dance. Goldie shared that they went out to learn the Jitterbug for a show, and the whole night turned out to be quite romantic. She also humorously revealed that one secret to their long-lasting relationship is having separate bathrooms.