David McCallum, renowned for his roles in iconic TV series like “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” and “NCIS,” passed away at the age of 90, leaving the world in mourning. His portrayal of characters like Illya Kuryakin and Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard showcased his versatility and talent. While McCallum’s co-star, Mark Harmon, received a grand farewell from “NCIS” in 2021, McCallum’s exit was more understated. His final appearance as Ducky in the Season 20 finale, “Black Sky,” marked the end of an era.
In this episode, McCallum’s character provides crucial information to Alden Parker and Leon Vance, despite his minor role. Over the years, Ducky’s presence on “NCIS” had gradually decreased. In Season 20, McCallum only appeared in four episodes, mirroring the prior season. The actor acknowledged feeling disconnected from the show in a November 2022 interview, expressing that it no longer felt quite right.
“NCIS” executive producer Charles Floyd Johnson recognized McCallum’s reduced role, mentioning that he might return for a handful of episodes. Despite this, McCallum never formally departed or retired from the show before his passing. Unfortunately, due to strikes in 2022, he didn’t have the opportunity to record any additional scenes for “NCIS.” Nevertheless, fans can appreciate the significant impact McCallum had during his 20-year tenure on the series.