The long-running military crime drama “NCIS” has captivated audiences for almost two decades through the telling of high-intensity storylines regarding threats to national security, homicidal crime sprees, searching for missing persons, resolving lingering cold cases, and beyond. However, none of these tricky scenarios have proven themselves able to get the best of the specially trained, elite agents on the NCIS team.
Over the years, cast members have come and gone, leading to several main character swaps and a variety of new arcs throughout each season. One of these swaps happened early on in the series when actor Sasha Alexander left the show in Season 2 after her character, agent Caitlin Todd, was killed off in a shocking plot twist. Todd’s exit from the world of “NCIS” made way for a new member of the team, Ziva David (Cote de Pablo), to enter the ranks.
Ziva’s learned many of the skills she shows off in the field from her time spent training in the Israeli Defense Forces. She was part of that organization before her time with the NCIS. Her character is known for being a bit more hot-headed than the rest, and she’s ready to beat up anyone necessary to get the job done. Her cunning and past training make her one of the top agents on the team. Even the best of the best aren’t immune to being human, though, and Ziva’s made her fair share of mistakes.