NCIS, the longest-running naval procedural on TV, has been on for nearly two decades, but only three original cast members remain: Sean Murray (Agent Timothy McGee), David McCallum (Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard), and Brian Dietzen (Dr. Jimmy Palmer).
Brian Dietzen, in a recent interview with Looper, humorously imagined the show going on for 40 seasons with Jimmy’s retirement as the endgame but admitted the unpredictability of it all. He emphasized that the team’s focus is on the storytelling journey, not the final destination, and they’re still having fun with the show, given its strong ratings.
Mark Harmon’s departure has been a significant change in recent seasons, but Brian expressed gratitude for the relationships formed over the years and described the evolving cast as an opportunity to make new friends and family members. However, the absence of Mark Harmon is a “massive change.”